Come Sing for the Season – Vol. 2 Songbook

Original price was: £13.00.Current price is: £10.00.

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This carol book is the second in the series ‘Come Sing For The Season’ and is part of a wider programme of work, the overall aim of which is to increase knowledge of and interest in the carol singing traditions of Exmoor, and was published to coincide with the second Exmoor Carols Day in 2013 at Halsway Manor.

These are traditional Exmoor Christmas carols, some of them not heard since the 18th and 19th centuries, they are the carols that communities have made their own, as part of a folk tradition, many passed down orally from one generation to another, and are not usually to be found in church hymnals.

Exmoor has a strong community carol singing tradition and local folklorists Bob and Jacqueline Patten have identified upwards of 150 versions of such carols, from either oral or written sources.

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Original price was: £13.00.Current price is: £10.00.

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